Summit AL652BSSTB
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Here are all great features of Summit AL652BSSTB :
- Includes adjustable glass shelves for flexible storage
- 32 inch height for lower ADA counters
- Functional elegance with a sturdy towel bar handle in brushed stainless steel
- Large capacity in a conveniently small footprint

Full descriptions of Summit AL652BSSTB :
Summit AL652BSSTB 5.1 cu. ft. Counter Depth Stainless Steel Refrigerator \ Freezer Compartment \ 3 Adjustable Glass Shelves \ ADA Compliant \ Stainless Steel Door \ Crisper \ Pro Handle
Baby Health and baby Toys safety
You can get Baby Health and baby Toys safety it Summit AL652BSSTB at the best price with free shipping. – Get it Now!

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