Koldfront 80 Can Built-In Beverage Cooler - Black
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Here are all great features of Koldfront 80 Can Built-In Beverage Cooler - Black :
- A slender 15" width fits perfectly into small undercounter areas, perfect for replacing a space formerly filled by a trash compactor
- Fan-Forced front ventilation allows flush with cabinet installation for undercounter wine storage or freestanding application
- Soft touch electronic controls allow easy temperature adjustment and monitoring through digital display
- Compressor-based cooling system ensures optimum beer and beverage temperature while rubber bushing minimizes vibration and noise
- Sturdy wire shelves and blue LED interior lighting showcases beer, beverages, and wine

Full descriptions of Koldfront 80 Can Built-In Beverage Cooler - Black :
Koldfront 80 Can Built-In Digital Beverage Cooler (BBR900BL) offers a front-venting undercounter refrigeration solution at an affordable price. LED lighting, reversible tempered glass door with black trim and flat bar handle showcase beverages, while the dual pane glass door prevents cold air from escaping and warm air from getting in. A soft touch electronic control panel with digital display ensures beer and beverages are as cold as desired.
This Koldfront built-in beverage refrigerator keeps up to 80 12 oz. cans cold at a temperature range between 38 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit. The BBR900BL offers three (3) wire shelves for easy-to-access beverage storage, so you can be sure to grab a cold one whenever. Ideal for a game room, garage, kit
Baby Health and baby Toys safety
You can get Baby Health and baby Toys safety it Koldfront 80 Can Built-In Beverage Cooler - Black at the best price with free shipping. – Get it Now!

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